Saturday, August 11, 2012

Emma at Worlds 2011 Brasilia Brazil, waiting for Judges to come over !!

Emma at Worlds, Brasilia Bazil 2011

Emma Trent makes 2012 World Team again !!

Emma recently returned home from the Artistic Roller National Championships held in Lincoln Nebraska qualifying again for Team USA.   The World Team only takes the 1st and 2nd place winners from each event.  Emma took 2nd place in the Figures Event at Nationals.

The Artistic Roller Skating World Championships this year is going to be held in Auckland, New Zealand Sept. 29 - Oct. 13, 2012.  For more info go to:

Keep checking back to come and celebrate with Emma prior to her departure in September, plans are an Exhibition Fundraiser Skate Show,  Golf Tournament and much more.   She needs your support for her to go along with her Coaches John & Tony Peck from Chicago.   Donations can be made through the paypal like last year !!  Thanks to everyone's support !!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Emma Trent - Representing Team USA

Willie and Lisa Trent – Owners of the Empire Roller Rink have a fabulously talented daughter. Emma Trent, 16 years old, qualified this past July at the National Artistic Roller Skating Competition in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The Event she qualified for is JWC Figures. The World Championship only takes 2 skaters (per Event) from the United States. It is clearly an honor for the entire Trent Family that Emma gets to represent Team USA. This Championship is considered the Olympic Level for Artistic Roller Sports. The Championships will be held in Brasilia, Brazil with a total of twenty-four Countries entered.

In addition to Emma’s skating, she is a straight A student at North Callaway High School (Junior), and is a member of their Marching Band playing the Clarinet. Other activities that Emma enjoys is Jazz Band & Piano. Living on a farm, she has a love for animals too.

Willie Trent, a lifetime resident of Columbia and has been the sole owner of Empire Roller Rink. Many people will remember skating both the “old” and “newer” roller rink. Lisa Trent, presently coaches Artistic Roller Skating at Empire and enjoys teaching this sport. Team Empire has several National Champions of its own! Emma Trent also teaches Artistic.

Willie, Lisa and Emma Trent will be fundraising for this upcoming opportunity. Funds will be used for travel expenses to Brazil for Emma and her Coach, John Peck, to attend the Championships. They are hoping to get enough money through gifts and/or donations for Willie and Lisa to attend also.

Anyone who is able to give a donation, please contact Willie Trent at (573) 443-7375 or mail to below address. Any amount is APPRECIATED !!!

Send/mail donations to:
Emma Trent
c/o Empire Roller Rink
1305 Business Loop 70E
Columbia, Mo. 65201

Read more on:
This is the site that has her “Team USA” Biography

All donations will be followed up with a personal letter (attach your address) from Emma letting everyone know how she did in Brazil at the World Championships. Thank you!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Emma's Quest to Jr. World Skate Championship

Emma Trent, 16 years old, will be competing in the
2011 Jr. World Skate Championship in November in Brasilia, Brazil.